This is the latest case my father just finished. Click the link and take a look!! Maybe you've been there!

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(To see the Chinese version, it’s below the English one.)

I’m not able to finish my homework and I’m typing article for my blog! This article is about this semester. Now I seldom using Wretch but Facebook, I think it’s easier to use. I write as much as I can remember.

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That day, it was ICX Functional meeting. Our leader asked us to speak out something we are proud of.

When it came to my turn, I said, I’m happy that I know what I want to do
I want travelling, not with tourist group, but travelling for couple years.

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People seems to be strong may be longly and need someone who is reliable.
She/He may be harmed, or just feels tired. What she/he needs is a warm hug and some confort.

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在po上美味的Le Bons Bay 晚餐menu之前,我要先發洩一下。(Menu在最後面,如果你不想看我碎碎唸的話)

去死去死團萬歲 !!!

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I like the landscape along the way to Hualien and Taitung, I can see the colourful Pacific Ocean and the lively mountains, also those beautiful houses.

Day 1—from Kaohsiung to Taitung
Jhihben Hot Springs
Da-Niao (Big bird) Village or Town of Taitung, I’m not really sure. Interesting name!

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The books I want to buy but not dare to, because I bought too many books after coming back. They are so expensive…

毅峰3D繪本 白日夢、危險童話、星夜夢饃、背叛童話

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But I like this, 很自由,看星星很棒,雖然沒有很多顆,哈哈。
有機會再一起出去吧,If you like this as well.

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